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Women Empowerment in Islam: Understanding the Role of Women in Islamic Society

by Arslan Ahsan, 22 Jul 2023

Women empowerment in Islam has been a subject of discussion and debate for many years. Islam is often viewed as a patriarchal religion that oppresses women, but that is not entirely true. The religion has a long history of promoting women's rights, and many Muslim women have played significant roles in shaping Islamic history.

One of the most important aspects of women empowerment in Islam is education. The Prophet Muhammad himself encouraged women to seek knowledge and education, and many of his wives and female companions were known for their exceptional knowledge and wisdom. In fact, the first revelation of the Quran was given to a woman, Khadija, who was a successful businesswoman and the Prophet's wife. Today, Muslim women all over the world are pursuing education and careers in various fields, proving that Islam does not limit their potential.

Another crucial aspect of women's empowerment in Islam is economic independence. Islam recognizes women's right to own property, inherit wealth, and engage in business. Many Muslim women throughout history have been successful businesswomen, and their contributions to society are often overlooked. Today, Muslim women are breaking barriers and excelling in various industries, and are proving that Islam does not limit their economic potential.

1.The Status of Women in Islam

Islam is often criticized for its treatment of women, but in reality, the religion has elevated the status of women and granted them rights that were previously unheard of in many societies. This section will explore the status of women in Islam, including their portrayal in the Quran and Hadith.

2.Women in the Quran

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, contains several verses that emphasize the importance of treating women with respect and kindness. For example, Quran 4:19 states that men should treat their wives with kindness and fairness, and Quran 33:35 states that men and women are equal in the sight of God. Additionally, the Quran grants women the right to inherit property and to own and manage their own businesses.

Moreover, Islamic teachings promote the protection and dignity of women. For instance, the Quran prohibits the mistreatment of women, including physical violence and verbal abuse. The Quran also recognizes the importance of women's consent in all aspects of life, including marriage and sexual relations.

3.The Hadith and Women

The Hadith, a collection of sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, also contains several examples of the Prophet's respect for women. For example, the Prophet once said, "The best of you are those who are best to their wives." He also encouraged women to seek knowledge and education, stating that "Seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim, male and female."

However, it is important to note that some Hadiths have been used to justify the oppression of women, particularly in patriarchal societies. It is crucial to interpret these Hadiths in their proper context and to understand that they do not represent the teachings of Islam as a whole.

In conclusion, the status of women in Islam is one of respect and equality. While there are certainly societal and cultural barriers that prevent women from fully realizing their rights, the teachings of Islam grant women the same rights and privileges as men. It is important to continue to advocate for the empowerment of women in Muslim societies and to challenge patriarchal attitudes and practices that go against the true teachings of Islam.

4.The Importance of Women's Education in Islam

Education is a fundamental requirement for all Muslims in Islam. The acquisition and application of knowledge enable Muslims to believe, think, and act according to the principles of the religion. Women's education is particularly emphasized in Islam because of its potential to empower women and contribute to their overall well-being.

In Islam, women's education is not only a right but also a duty. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim, male and female." This statement emphasizes the importance of education for both men and women in Islam. It also highlights the fact that education is not just for the sake of acquiring knowledge but also for fulfilling one's religious obligations.

Education is a powerful tool that can help women gain independence, self-confidence, and self-esteem. It can also help women develop critical thinking skills, which are essential for making informed decisions about their lives. Education can also help women understand their rights and responsibilities in Islam, which can empower them to challenge cultural practices that are not in line with Islamic principles.

In Islam, women's education is not limited to religious education. Women are encouraged to seek knowledge in all fields, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This encouragement is based on the belief that education is essential for the development of society and that women have a vital role to play in that development.

In conclusion, women's education is of utmost importance in Islam. It is a right and a duty for all Muslim women. Education can empower women, help them gain independence, and contribute to their overall well-being. It is essential that Muslim societies prioritize women's education and provide equal opportunities for men and women to acquire knowledge and skills.

5.Women's Rights in Islam

Islam is a religion that places great importance on the rights of women. Women have been given a number of rights in Islam that were unheard of in the pre-Islamic era. This section will explore some of the key rights that women enjoy in Islam.

6.The Right to Inherit

One of the most important rights that women have in Islam is the right to inherit. In Islam, women are entitled to inherit from their parents, their husbands, and their children. The Quran states, "To the male a portion equal to that of two females" (4:11). This means that a daughter is entitled to half of what her brother inherits.

7.The Right to Work

Islam encourages women to work and contribute to society. Women are allowed to work in any field that is not prohibited by Islamic law. They are also entitled to receive equal pay for equal work. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The best among you are those who are best to their wives."

8.The Right to Vote

In Islam, women have the right to vote and participate in the political process. This right was granted to women by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself. Women have the right to choose their leaders and to voice their opinions on matters that affect their lives.

9.The Right to Choose a Spouse

Islam gives women the right to choose their own spouse. This right is enshrined in the Quran, which states, "Do not prevent them from marrying their husbands when they agree between themselves in a lawful manner" (2:232). This means that women have the right to choose their own partners, as long as the marriage is conducted in a lawful manner.

In conclusion, Islam has given women a number of rights that were unheard of in the pre-Islamic era. Women have the right to inherit, work, vote, and choose their own spouse. These rights are enshrined in Islamic law and are meant to empower women and give them the freedom to live their lives as they see fit.

10.The Right of Mahr

Another important Islamic teaching that promotes women's rights is the concept of "mahr", a mandatory gift that a husband must provide to his wife at the time of marriage. This gift is meant to serve as a symbol of the husband's commitment to the marriage and his responsibility to provide for his wife's needs.

11.The Right to Divorce

One of the most important rights granted to women in Islam is the right to divorce. While divorce is generally discouraged in Islam, it is recognized as a necessary option in certain circumstances, such as when a marriage has become abusive or when the spouses are simply incompatible. In such cases, both men and women have the right to initiate divorce proceedings, and women are not required to provide a reason for their decision.

However, the process of divorce is different for men and women in Islam. Men are able to initiate divorce by simply stating their intention to do so, while women must go through a more formal process that involves seeking the approval of a religious authority. Many Muslim women have used their right to divorce to escape abusive or unhappy marriages and to seek greater autonomy and independence. 

12.Misconceptions about Women in Islam

There are many misconceptions about women in Islam that have been perpetuated over the years. In this section, we will explore some of these misconceptions and provide information to help dispel them.


Ar common misconception about women in Islam is that Muslim men are allowed to have multiple wives. While it is true that polygamy is allowed in Islam, it is not a requirement, and there are strict conditions that must be met before a man can take another wife.

According to Islamic law, a man can only take another wife if he can provide for her financially and emotionally, and if he can treat all of his wives equally. In practice, very few Muslim men have more than one wife, and it is generally only done in cases where the first wife is unable to have children or has a serious medical condition.

Domestic Violence

A Second misconception about women in Islam is that the religion condones domestic violence. This is simply not true. While there are some cultural practices that may lead to violence against women, these practices are not part of Islamic teaching.

In fact, Islam places a strong emphasis on the importance of treating women with respect and kindness. The Quran instructs men to be kind to their wives and to treat them with compassion. Domestic violence is not tolerated in Islam, and any Muslim man who engages in such behavior is acting against the teachings of the religion.

Overall, it is important to recognize that Islam places a high value on the rights and dignity of women. While there are certainly cultural practices that may lead to mistreatment of women, these practices are not part of Islamic teaching. By understanding the true teachings of Islam, we can work to dispel these misconceptions and promote women's empowerment in all areas of life.

Women in Islamic History

Islam has a rich history of women who have played significant roles in spreading the religion and contributing to Islamic scholarship. Here are a few notable women in Islamic history:

Khadija bint Khuwaylid

Khadija bint Khuwaylid was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad and one of the earliest converts to Islam. She was a successful businesswoman and a respected member of the Meccan community. Khadija was a strong supporter of the Prophet and played an important role in the early Islamic community.

Aisha bint Abu Bakr

Aisha bint Abu Bakr was the wife of Prophet Muhammad and a prominent scholar of Islam. She was known for her intelligence, wit, and knowledge of Islamic law. Aisha played a significant role in the development of Islamic jurisprudence, and many of her teachings are still studied today.

Fatima bint Muhammad

Fatima bint Muhammad was the daughter of Prophet Muhammad and his wife Khadija. She was a strong advocate for women's rights and played an important role in the early Islamic community. Fatima was known for her piety and devotion to Islam, and she is considered one of the most important women in Islamic history.

Overall, women have played important roles in Islamic history, and their contributions to the religion and Islamic scholarship cannot be overlooked. Their stories serve as an inspiration to women around the world who continue to fight for their rights and equality.

Prophet Muhammad's Treatment of Women

Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was known for his respect and kindness towards women. He encouraged their education and gave them the right to own property. He also prohibited the practice of female infanticide, which was prevalent in Arabia at the time.

Prophet Muhammad's treatment of women was so exemplary that his wife Aisha said, "I have not seen anyone more respectful to women than the Prophet Muhammad." He advocated for their rights and encouraged their education. He even had female companions who played important roles in the early Islamic community. The Prophet's teachings emphasize the importance of treating women with respect and dignity.

In conclusion, Islam recognizes the rights of women and encourages their education and empowerment. The Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad's treatment of women provide evidence of the importance of women in Islam.

Contemporary Issues in Women's Empowerment in Islam

Women's Dress and Modesty

One of the most well-known aspects of Islamic culture is the emphasis placed on modesty in dress. Many Muslim women choose to wear a hijab, a headscarf that covers their hair and neck. Some also choose to wear a niqab, a veil that covers their face except for their eyes. The reasons for wearing a hijab or niqab can vary, but for many, it is a way to express their faith and show their dedication to Allah.

However, this emphasis on modesty can also lead to conflict, both within Muslim communities and with other cultures. Some argue that requiring women to cover themselves is oppressive and limits their freedom. Others argue that it is a personal choice and should be respected.

Women's Rights Activism

Women's rights activism in Muslim-majority countries has been on the rise in recent years. Activists have been working to challenge discriminatory laws and practices and to promote women's empowerment. However, these activists often face backlash and persecution from conservative and religious groups who view their work as a threat to traditional values.

Violence Against Women

Unfortunately, violence against women is a problem in many cultures, including Muslim ones. Domestic violence, sexual assault, and honor killings are all issues that Muslim women face. However, it is important to note that these issues are not unique to Islamic culture and are not condoned by the religion itself.

Efforts to combat violence against women in Muslim communities have been ongoing. Organizations such as Sisters in Islam in Malaysia and Musawah in Egypt work to promote women's rights and challenge discriminatory laws and practices. In addition, many Islamic scholars argue that Islam promotes gender equality and that violence against women is not in line with the teachings of the religion.

Overall, social and cultural issues related to women's empowerment in Islam are complex and multifaceted. While there are certainly challenges to be addressed, there are also many positive efforts being made to promote gender equality and empower Muslim women.

Misconceptions about Women in Islam

Misconceptions about women in Islam are widespread, leading to negative stereotypes and discrimination against Muslim women. One common misconception is that women are inferior to men in Islam. In reality, Islam teaches that men and women are equal in the eyes of Allah and are both valuable and necessary for the functioning of society. Other misconceptions include the belief that Islam oppresses women, does not allow women to work or choose their spouse.

Challenges to Women's Empowerment in Islamic Societies:

However, despite these Islamic teachings, women in some societies still face discrimination and oppression due to cultural practices and patriarchal attitudes. These practices often limit women's access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, and restrict their participation in public life.

To address these issues, it is essential to promote education and awareness-raising programs that challenge patriarchal attitudes and cultural practices that discriminate against women. Religious leaders and scholars can play a vital role in promoting a more accurate understanding of Islamic teachings related to women's rights and gender equality.

The efforts to promote women's empowerment in Islamic societies, various challenges continue to impede progress. Patriarchal attitudes and cultural practices that oppress women are still prevalent in many Islamic societies, making it challenging for women to assert their rights. Additionally, misinterpretation of Islamic teachings, particularly regarding women's roles and rights, leads to discrimination against women. Lack of education and awareness among women also contributes to their marginalization and exclusion from social, economic, and political spheres.


Does Islam permit women to work? 

 Yes, Islam permits women to work and contribute to society as long as it does not conflict with their religious duties or harm their dignity and rights. Prophet Muhammad's first wife, Khadijah, was a successful businesswoman who employed him and supported his mission.

What is the Islamic view on women's education?

Islam places great emphasis on education and encourages both men and women to seek knowledge. Islamic teachings support women's right to education and recognize its importance in creating a prosperous and just society.

What are some challenges to women's empowerment in Islamic societies?

Challenges to women's empowerment in Islamic societies include patriarchal attitudes, cultural practices that discriminate against women, and misinterpretation of Islamic teachings. These challenges can hinder women's access to education, healthcare, employment, and political participation.

How can Islamic teachings be used to promote women's empowerment?

Islamic teachings can be used to promote women's empowerment by highlighting the importance of women's rights and contributions to society. Religious leaders can use Islamic texts to challenge patriarchal attitudes and cultural practices that discriminate against women. They can also promote education and awareness-raising programs that empower women and promote gender equality. Islamic teachings can be used to create a more inclusive and just society that values women's contributions and respects their rights.

What role can men play in promoting women's empowerment in Islamic societies?

Men play a crucial role in promoting women's empowerment in Islamic societies. They can challenge patriarchal attitudes and cultural practices that discriminate against women, and promote gender equality in their personal and professional lives. Men can also support women's access to education, healthcare, and employment, and advocate for policies that promote women's empowerment and gender equality. Men can be powerful allies in the struggle for women's rights and gender equality.


Women's empowerment in Islam is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a nuanced understanding of Islamic teachings, cultural practices, and social dynamics. While some challenges remain, there are many examples of women who have successfully overcome these obstacles and contributed to their communities and societies. Islam provides a framework for promoting women's rights and gender equality, and there are many ways that individuals, organizations, and governments can work together to promote women's empowerment in Islamic societies.

To promote women's empowerment in Islamic societies, we need to challenge patriarchal attitudes and cultural practices that discriminate against women and address misinterpretation of Islamic teachings. We also need to promote education and awareness-raising programs that empower women and promote gender equality. Governments and religious leaders must work together to ensure that policies and practices promote women's empowerment and gender equality. Men also play a crucial role in promoting women's empowerment, and international organizations and civil society groups can provide support and advocacy for women's rights and gender equality.

In conclusion, promoting women's empowerment in Islamic societies requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach that addresses the root causes of gender inequality and discrimination. By working together, we can create a more just and equitable world that values and respects women's rights and contributions to society.

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