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How to Read More and Remember It All - A Comprehensive Guide

by Arslan Ahsan, 22 Jul 2023


In today's fast-paced world, reading is a valuable skill that can unlock endless knowledge and personal growth. Warren Buffett, renowned investor, and business magnate, credits his success to spending ample time reading. This article delves into strategies for reading more and retaining information effectively. Whether you aspire to read faster, increase the number of books, or improve your memory, this comprehensive guide will provide practical tips and techniques.

2. Understanding Reading Speed

The Importance of Reading Faster: Reading faster can significantly enhance your reading routine by allowing you to cover more material in less time. However, it's essential to strike a balance between speed and comprehension. While speed reading techniques can increase your words-per-minute rate, maintaining comprehension is crucial to avoid forgetting important details.

The Average Reading Speed: According to Staples' data, the average adult reads approximately 300 words per minute. However, reading speeds vary across different demographics, with third-grade students reading around 150 words per minute, college professors reaching 675 words per minute, and speed reading champions achieving an astonishing 4,700 words per minute.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Speed Reading: Speed reading offers advantages such as faster information absorption and increased reading productivity. However, it may compromise comprehension and retention if not practiced properly. Finding a balance between reading speed and comprehension is important to optimize your reading experience.

3. Strategies to Read More

3.1. Speed Reading Techniques

Using a Pen as a Tracker and Pacer: One-speed reading technique involves using a pen or finger to track the text while reading. This method helps maintain focus and prevents regression, where your eyes go back and re-read previously read sections. You can improve reading speed by training your eyes to follow the pen or finger.

Perceptual Expansion and Peripheral Vision: Perceptual expansion is a technique where you train your peripheral vision to capture words beyond the usual focus area. You can use more words with each fixation by widening your visual span. This technique can significantly boost reading speed by eliminating subvocalization (internal voice reading).

3.2. Innovative Reading Methods

Spritz: Reading One Word at a Time: Spritz is a reading method that displays words individually, allowing you to read without moving your eyes. By presenting words rapidly, Spritz eliminates the need for eye movements, resulting in increased reading speed. While it takes practice to adjust to this method, it can be a powerful tool for improving reading efficiency.

Blinkist: Bite-sized Book Summaries: Blinkist provides concise summaries that distill key insights and concepts. This service offers a vast library of non-fiction books summarized into bite-sized content, allowing you to grasp the main ideas quickly. Blinkist is an excellent resource for an overview of various books and deciding which ones to read fully.

3.3. Time Management for Reading

Prioritizing Reading: Make reading a priority in your daily schedule. Allocate dedicated reading time, whether in the morning, during breaks, or before bed. By treating reading as an essential activity, you'll be more likely to make progress on your reading goals.

Reducing Time Spent on Other Activities: Analyze how you spend your time and identify activities that can be reduced or eliminated to make room for reading. Limiting screen time, minimizing unproductive tasks, or adjusting leisure activities can create more reading opportunities.

Leveraging Commute and Downtime: Make the most of your commuting or downtime by always carrying a book or using reading apps on your smartphone or tablet. Transform these pockets of time into valuable reading sessions to maximize your reading volume.

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4. Leveraging E-Readers for Increased Reading

E-readers have revolutionized the reading experience by providing a compact and versatile platform for accessing a vast library of books. Here are some ways to leverage e-readers for increased reading:


 E-readers allow you to carry an entire library in a single device, making it easy to access your favorite books wherever you go. Take advantage of this portability by always having your e-reader with you, ensuring you can read whenever you have a spare moment.

Adjustable Font Size and Style:

 E-readers offer customizable font sizes and styles, allowing you to find the most comfortable reading setting for your eyes. Adjusting the font size can help reduce eye strain and increase reading speed by eliminating the need for constant eye movements.

Highlighting and Note-taking:

E-readers make highlighting important passages convenient and take notes directly within the digital text. This feature facilitates active reading and enhances comprehension. You can easily review your highlights and notes later, helping you remember key information.

Built-in Dictionaries and References:

Many e-readers have built-in dictionaries and references, allowing you to quickly look up unfamiliar words or concepts without interrupting your reading flow. This feature promotes a deeper understanding of the text and enhances vocabulary development.

Synchronization and Cloud Storage:

E-readers often offer synchronization and cloud storage options, enabling seamless access to your reading progress across multiple devices. Whether you switch between an e-reader, smartphone, or tablet, you can pick up where you left off without losing track of your reading.

5. Exploring Alternative Perspectives on Reading

Reading is not limited to traditional books alone. Embrace alternative perspectives on reading to expand your knowledge and explore different mediums:


 Audiobooks offer a convenient way to "read" while engaged in other activities such as exercising, commuting, or doing household chores. They allow you to consume books through auditory channels, enhancing multitasking and providing a unique reading experience.

Podcasts and Lectures:

Podcasts and educational lectures are excellent alternatives for gaining knowledge and staying informed. They cover various topics, often featuring expert guests and thought-provoking discussions. Incorporating podcasts into your routine can complement your reading habits and expose you to diverse viewpoints.

Online Articles and Blogs:

The internet is a treasure trove of information, with countless articles and blogs covering various subjects. Use online resources to access different perspectives, stay updated on current events, and explore niche interests.

Documentaries and Films:

 Visual storytelling can be an engaging way to absorb information. Documentaries and films based on books or real-life events can provide a unique narrative experience, allowing you to gain insights and deepen your understanding of complex topics.

By embracing alternative forms of reading, you can diversify your learning methods and use different mediums to expand your intellectual horizons.

6. Strategies for Remembering What You Read

Reading is not just about speed and volume; retaining and applying the information you consume is also crucial. Here are strategies to help you remember what you read:

6.1. Train Your Brain:

 Training Your Brain with Impression, Association, and Repetition: Create a mental impression of the material as you read. Visualize the concepts, connect them to existing knowledge, and find personal associations. The more vivid and meaningful the impressions, the easier to recall later. Additionally, reinforce your memory through repetition by reviewing and summarizing key points after reading.

6.2. Adler's Four Levels of Reading:

 Developed by Mortimer J. Adler, the four levels of reading provide a framework for reading with deeper comprehension:

Adopting these levels of reading can enhance your comprehension and critical thinking skills.

6.3. Active Reading Techniques:

 Engage in active reading techniques to improve comprehension and retention:


By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your ability to remember and apply the knowledge gained through reading.

This concludes the article based on the information provided. Remember to adjust the length and format as needed.

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